We call removable prosthesis the prosthetic devices that replace missing teeth and are able to be removed and replaced. This is what we commonly call dentures.
There are complete removable dentures that replace all missing teeth and partial removable dentures when the person has some good teeth still present.
There is also a second category depending on the type of material that makes up the prosthesis, we can call acrylic or cobalt-chrome dentures.
Removable prostheses have the following main advantages:
– be a more economical solution;
– quickly replaces several teeth.
As disadvantages we have:
– occupy more volume than natural teeth and/or fixed teeth;
– move;
– requires a longer period of habituation;
– are less resistant;


Frequently Asked Questions
We only recommend people who are missing several teeth (8 or more teeth per jaw) to sleep with their removable dentures. People with just a few missing teeth can and should take advantage during sleep to remove their dentures and let their gums rest.
If you don’t sleep with your dentures on, you can wear them constantly during the day, taking them off after meals to clean them and brush your teeth.
If you sleep with dentures, you should find a period of at least 3 hours during the day to remove them and rest your gums.
Yes, after several years the dentures may need to be adjusted to your mouth. A person gets older and our gums don’t stay the same as they were when dentures were made. On the other hand, denture’s acrylic-teeth can also wear out and need to be replaced.
In these cases it is necessary to evaluate in a appointment, there may be several aspects that interfere and several solutions to improve.
Not everyone gets used to it the same way. It may take longer for some people than others. It is easier to get used to removable dentures when:
– other prostheses have already been used;
– are cobalt-chrome prostheses;
– only few teeth are being replaced;
– the patient has several natural teeth.
Before you stop using removable prostheses, you should talk to your Dentist to try to find out if it is possible to make some kind of correction to increase your comfort.
Yes, there are removable prostheses in acrylic resin, in cobalt chrome and flexible prostheses.