The field of dentistry encompasses the prevention of and treatment of dental caries. In addition, it is also responsible for solving tooth discoloration that can be intrinsic to the tooth, from growth or that arise throughout our lives.
Finally, dentistry allows, through the use of composite resins, to restore anterior teeth improving smile’s aesthetics. It is minimally invasive treatment and most of the time highly satisfactory. However, like other materials, composite resin has its indications and disadvantages, so you should talk to your dentist about the most appropriate option in your case.

Frequently Asked Questions
It is a preventive treatment that seals the depressions, fissures and pits from posterior teeth, facilitating their brushing and releasing fluoride to strengthen their enamel.
We consider aesthetic restorations when performed to improve the appearance of the smile. They can be made in composite resin or in indirect materials, such as ceramics.
Everything in excess is bad. Fluoride only if ingested in large quantities can have harmful effects. Therefore, small children should have specific toothpastes and small doses of toothpaste should be applied to the toothbrush.The amount of fluoride in toothpaste is important for maintaining high quality tooth enamel.
If it is well adapted and without any tooth decay around it, replacing them it is not recommended. We see restorations of this type in function every day and lasting multiple decades.
There are minimally invasive treatments that can mask, remove or lessen the intrinsic stains on our teeth.
Restorations must sit evenly with the other teeth at the time of consultation and not higher. If you feel high when biting, you should talk to your dentist.
A treated tooth can become decayed again. New caries may reappear on another side of the tooth or on the margin of the restoration.